Sacramento Therapeutic Massage
Therapy In The Comfort Of Your Own Home



Please read the following policies carefully as you must agree and adhere to them in order to receive our massage services:

As Certified Massage Therapists (CMT’s) and Neuromuscular Therapists (NMT’s), Sacramento Therapeutic Massage follows a Code of Ethics, dictated by the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)* and the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC)**

All information clients provide, both written and verbal, will remain confidential unless the appropriate HIPPA release forms are submitted by the client.  HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.  It is a federal law that governs the privacy and security of medical information, also known as protected health information (PHI). In order to comply with HIPAA, healthcare providers and organizations are required to obtain written authorization from patients before disclosing any PHI to third parties.

All decisions made by the therapist during each session will be in the best interest of the client, with the client’s consent.  Sacramento Therapeutic Massage seeks to establish an atmosphere of trust and respect during each session.  Sacramento Therapeutic Massage asks the same of all clients in return and aims for all clients to feel physically, psychologically, and emotionally safe.  At Sacramento Therapeutic Massage our mission is to assist clients in meeting their goals of stress reduction, recovery, increased range of motion, and pain management.


Non-Discrimination Policy

Sacramento Therapeutic Massage is committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all individuals and do not tolerate any form of discrimination. We believe that diversity and inclusivity are essential values that should be upheld in all aspects of our business.

Our non-discrimination policy prohibits discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic.  We provide equal employment opportunities and treat all employees, clients, and vendors with respect and dignity, without regard to any of the aforementioned characteristics. 

We strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone, and any discriminatory behavior, including harassment, will not be tolerated. We are committed to providing prompt and effective responses to all complaints of discrimination and will take appropriate corrective action to prevent any further discrimination. 

We encourage all individuals to report any instances of discrimination or harassment that they witness or experience, and we will take all necessary steps to ensure a thorough investigation and appropriate resolution.  We are committed to upholding our non-discrimination policy and providing an inclusive environment where everyone feels respected, valued, and welcome.



Sacramento Therapeutic Massage understands and respects the hectic schedules of all clients.  When given sufficient notice, appointments may be rescheduled, or accommodations may be made.  Please understand that operating hours are limited, and the books are often filled weeks in advance.  Traveling to client’s residences and having to factor in drive time can make rebooking a canceled session slot very difficult without sufficient notice.  Due to this, as well as large numbers of cancellations each month, the following policy shall take effect immediately:

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we kindly ask that you provide at least 48 hours’ notice. This allows us enough time to potentially fill your slot with another client who may be waiting for an appointment.  There is no charge for cancellations received at least 48 hours or more in advance***.  Cancellations made between 24 and 48 hours prior to the session may be charged 50% of the session fee.  If a client must cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice, they may be charged the full amount for the session.  Sacramento Therapeutic Massage reserves the right to enforce this policy no matter the reason for the cancellation, but to also omit this fee in certain circumstances.

***Excessive cancellations and/or rescheduling inside or outside the 48-hour cancellation window will result in one or all of the following: The potential loss of same day/same time automatic booking privileges, potential loss of priority booking privileges, a $15 rescheduling fee being charged to the client’s account per occurrence, and/or termination of the client's future services.


Drive Time Compensation

Due to the large amount of time spent driving to locations further than 15 miles from the north side of area code 95835, a drive time compensation fee will be added to each session outside of this range.  For any locations 15-20 miles beyond this range will be a $25 fee, and anything 20+ miles will incur a $30 fee.  Thank you for your understanding, and if you would like to know the exact mileage from the stated area to your location, please let us know and that number will be provided.  Sacramento Therapeutic Massage reserves the right to enforce or waive this fee at management’s discretion.


Personal Hygiene

All clients and therapists must maintain good personal hygiene for all sessions.

  1. Cleanliness: Clients and therapists are expected to arrive for their appointment clean and showered, with clean clothes and socks.
  2. Offensive Scents: Clients and therapists are asked to avoid smelling of any kind of body odor, smoke of any kind, foul breath, or any other kind of offensive odor.
  3. Hygiene: Clients and therapists are expected to maintain good personal hygiene, including brushing their teeth, using deodorant, clean hair, and clean and kempt finger and toenails.
  4. Clothing: Clients should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that allows for easy movement during their appointment.  Please do not wear any clothing with a raised or irregular texture to it, such as a ribbed shirt, basketball shorts with small holes in them, or any clothing with buttons or zippers. Jeans and corduroy are not acceptable.
  5. Intimate Hygiene: Clients are expected to maintain good intimate hygiene, including washing their hands, armpits, and genital area before their appointment.

We are committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment for all of our clients and staff. Maintaining good personal hygiene is an important aspect of creating a positive and respectful experience for everyone involved. If you have any questions or concerns about our personal hygiene policy, please do not hesitate to ask.




Sacramento Therapeutic Massage asks that clients please call or text if they are feeling ill In Any Way.  If it is determined that it is in the best interest of the client and/or the therapist to reschedule the appointment, the client shall be given priority booking privileges when they are completely over their illness.

  1. Symptoms: Clients who are experiencing symptoms of illness, such as fever, coughing, sore throat, runny nose, or fatigue are expected to reschedule their appointment until they are symptom-free for at least 48 hours.  This also includes, but is not limited to, COVID-19, flu, cold, bacterial or fungal infection anywhere on or in the body, rash, etc.
  2. Notification: If a client is unable to attend their appointment due to illness, they are expected to notify the service provider as soon as possible by phone or text.
  3. Return to Booking Appointments: Clients who are ill should not attend appointments until they are symptom-free for at least 48 hours.
  4. Hygiene: Clients should practice good hygiene to help prevent the spread of illness, such as washing their hands frequently and using hand sanitizer.  Clients with a persistent cough for any reason, including allergies, will be asked to wear a mask for the protection of the therapist and their future clients.

If a client is visibly ill upon arrival to the appointment without prior notification, the therapist will not perform the massage and the client will be charged for the full amount of the session.

Likewise, please understand if the therapist is ill in any manner that is communicable, their clients will be cancelled until they are at least 48 hours without symptoms and will receive priority booking in the next possible session slot.  If massage could be potentially harmful to client or therapist in any way, Sacramento Therapeutic Massage reserves the right to decline to perform the massage.

We take the health and safety of our clients and our staff seriously, and we expect our clients to do the same. Our illness policy helps ensure that we are able to provide a safe and healthy environment for all of our clients while maintaining a positive and respectful business relationship.


No Call/No Show

In the event that a client fails to answer the door when the therapist arrives or is not home for their session without giving notice, their credit card on file will be charged the full amount for the session.  An invoice will be sent to the email on file for the charge.  Sacramento Therapeutic Massage reserves the right to refuse future services after a no call/no show.

  1. No Call/No Show: A no call/no show occurs when a client fails to be available for their appointment and fails to notify the service provider of their absence.
  2. Expectations: Clients are expected to be available for their appointments on time and as scheduled. If a client is unable to be available for their appointment, they are expected to notify the service provider as soon as possible.  If the client is late for their appointment, that time will be deducted from their session.  If the therapist is late, the session time will be adjusted, if possible, to allow for the entire booked time to be given that day. If this is not possible, the time may be added to a future session or the price for the session may be adjusted.
  3. Consequences: A no call/no show is considered a serious violation of the company policy and will result in a fee, suspension of services, and/or termination of the client's future services.  The specific consequences will be determined by management and may depend on the circumstances of the no call/no show and the client's history.
  4. Notification: If a client is unable to be available for their appointment, they are expected to notify the service provider as soon as possible, either by phone or text.
  5. Rebooking: If a client misses their appointment the circumstances will be followed up on by management and a fee may be charged for the full session in certain cases. However, if a client misses multiple appointments without notice, they may not be able to schedule future appointments and/or may be charged the full amount for the scheduled session.

We take our business and our appointments seriously, and we expect our clients to do the same. Our no call/no show policy helps ensure that we are able to provide consistent and reliable service to all of our clients while maintaining a positive and respectful business relationship.


Inappropriate Behavior

Sacramento Therapeutic Massage has a ZERO TOLERANCE sexual harassment policy.

  1. Expectations: Clients are expected to treat all staff and other clients with respect and professionalism. Sexual harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
  2. Definition: Sexual harassment is defined as any unwanted or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, inappropriate behavior, suggestive or inappropriate hand or bodily gestures, facial expressions, comments, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, uncomfortable, or offensive environment.
  3. Consequences: Any client who engages in sexual harassment will have their session end immediately and they will be charged the full amount of the session.  The client will be banned from using our services in the future and the incident will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
  4. Reporting: Any client or therapist who experiences or witnesses sexual harassment should report it immediately to the service provider management.  All reports will be taken seriously and investigated promptly and thoroughly.
  5. Confidentiality: All reports of sexual harassment will be kept confidential to the extent possible, while still allowing for appropriate investigation and resolution.
  6. For privacy and comfort, draping is required during the entire massage if any clothing is removed for the session.  If a client feels unsafe or uncomfortable, please speak up so adjustments can be made by the therapist.  Clients and therapists reserve the right to end a session at any time.

We are committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for all of our clients and staff. Sexual harassment of any kind will not be tolerated, and we will take appropriate action to ensure that our policies are enforced.



Sacramento Therapeutic Massage currently accepts cash and Venmo.  In certain circumstances established clients may pay with a personal check.  Any bounced checks will be subject to a $25 fee added to the amount of the original payment.  All payments are due at the time of services rendered with no exceptions.  Prices and payment options are subject to change at any time, without notice. 



  1. Appreciation: While tips are not required, they are always smiled upon as a way to show your appreciation for the service you received.
  2. Amount: The amount of the tip is up to the discretion of the client. However, a typical range for tipping in the massage industry is between 15% to 20% of the service price.
  3. Payment: Tips can be given in cash or added to the electronic payment at the time of the transaction.  Although cash is much appreciated😊
  4. Etiquette: Tipping is a personal matter, and clients are under no obligation to tip.
  5. Service Provider: Tips are typically given directly to the therapist who provided the service. However, if you are unsure about who to tip or how to tip, please ask the service provider or management for guidance.
  6. Alternatives: In lieu of a monetary tip, positive social media posts or reviews on sites such as Yelp or Google are a great way to show your appreciation for a job well done.  The absolute best compliment that you could give us is the referral of a family member, friend, co-worker, or anyone else you think could benefit from our services. Please see our referral bonus policy below!

We appreciate your business and are committed to providing exceptional service. While tipping is not required, it is a way to show your appreciation for the service you received. If you have any questions or concerns about our tipping policy, please do not hesitate to ask.


Referral Bonus

Sacramento Therapeutic Massage offers a $10 credit to any client that refers a new client to the practice.  The newly referred client must book a session and follow through with the appointment for the existing client to receive the credit.  If the referred client’s session is booked but not completed the credit will not be honored.



Sacramento Therapeutic Massage does not offer direct billing to insurance companies but can provide a receipt for the services provided so that the client can submit it to their insurance company themselves for possible reimbursement.  The client is responsible for contacting their health insurance provider to verify that Neuromuscular Massage Therapy is a covered benefit and for instructions on how to submit the claim.  Payment is due in full to Sacramento Therapeutic Massage at the time of service.  It is the responsibility of the client to contact their benefits provider to verify this is an accepted expense, and if a physician’s note is required for reimbursement.





*The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) has a Code of Ethics that all members are expected to uphold. The AMTA Code of Ethics includes the following principles:

  1. Demonstrating Professionalism: AMTA members must act professionally in all their interactions with clients, colleagues, and other members of the public.
  2. Respect for Clients' Dignity and Autonomy: AMTA members must respect clients' right to informed consent and self-determination, including the right to refuse or modify any part of the massage therapy session.
  3. Confidentiality: Members must respect clients' confidentiality, including keeping all client information confidential and not disclosing it without the client's express consent, except as required by law.
  4. Professional Boundaries: AMTA members must establish and maintain appropriate professional boundaries with clients, avoiding any behavior or language that could be considered exploitative or abusive.
  5. Professional Competence: Members must maintain their competence in the practice of massage therapy, including staying current with best practices and participating in ongoing education and training.
  6. Professional Integrity: AMTA members must act with integrity in all their professional dealings, including being honest and transparent in all their advertising and business practices.

By following these principles, AMTA members ensure that they are providing safe, ethical, and effective massage therapy services to their clients, and maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in their practice.


**The CAMTC, or the California Massage Therapy Council, provides a Code of Ethics that all Certified Massage Therapists in California are required to follow. The CAMTC Code of Ethics includes the following principles:

  1. Providing Professional Services: CAMTC Certified Massage Therapists must provide professional services with competence, honesty, and integrity, respecting the dignity and worth of all clients.
  2. Informed Consent: Certified Massage Therapists must obtain informed consent from clients before starting a session, explaining the scope and nature of the massage, and respecting clients' right to refuse or modify the session.
  3. Confidentiality and Privacy: CAMTC Certified Massage Therapists must respect the privacy and confidentiality of clients' personal information and treatment records, and not disclose such information unless required by law.
  4. Professional Boundaries: Certified Massage Therapists must maintain professional boundaries with clients, avoiding any behavior or language that could be considered inappropriate, exploitative, or abusive.
  5. Safety and Hygiene: CAMTC Certified Massage Therapists must maintain a safe and hygienic environment for massage services, including proper sanitation of equipment and facilities, and avoiding any practices that could cause harm or discomfort to clients.
  6. Professional Development: Certified Massage Therapists must engage in ongoing professional development, including continuing education and staying up to date on the latest massage therapy research and best practices.

By following these principles, CAMTC Certified Massage Therapists ensure that they are providing safe, ethical, and effective massage services to their clients.

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